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Introducing the stunning Salvia greggii 'Mirage Deep Purple' to our collection!


This low-maintenance perennial thrives in well-draining soil and is drought-tolerant once established, making it a perfect addition to any garden.


It requires full sun to part shade, making it an ideal choice for sunny borders or rock gardens.


Grows to a compact size of 18-24 inches in height and width, making it a great choice for small spaces or container gardens.


Its abundant blooms appear from late spring to early fall, showcasing a gorgeous deep purple color that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard.


Consider planting it alongside other drought-tolerant perennials such as other Salvias, Artemisia, and Achilleas for a stunning display of color and texture.


A hummingbird favorite, this versatile plant is a must-have for any garden enthusiast looking to add vibrant color and wildlife appeal to their outdoor space.


* Native to TX

*Salvia greggii ' Mirage Deep Purple' (Autumn Sage)

June 1st 2024
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